The 47th post..
Thursday, July 26, 2007 @ 2:45 PM

Hi guys..Long time never update already..
I was rather busy or you guys can say i am keeping myself busy..
Just to keep myself from thinking too much..
Becox the more you dream about impossible things..
When it don't happen, the more it is gonna hurt..
And yahx..although once my bro ZHAO XIONG said:
" when u break up impossible..
iT sounds like..
Thanks anyway..And it's gd for u to forget ur past..
But tat certaninly does not apply to everything..
It was a mistake since the start..
I had made her see how i felt..
like everything matters to me..
And please dun feel bad..
It is okie if u hurt me..
Because i love u back as who u r..
And i accept u as who u r..
You may be wondering why i post tat pic up there..
Can you guys infer from the picture how i actually feel now? (=.=)
It being a long long journey and i am going to end this..
It is either i burn the diary or i keep it with me and regard it as a part of myself..
I am rather confused..
The past is meant to be fade on its own..
But not purposely pushing out of my mind..
becox tat definitely wont work..
Maybe i was ur problem all this while..
You can denied and i can act dumb..
i want to stop ur pain but i cant even stop mine..
But i had tried my best..Hope u can understand..
You can be laughing and smile around..
but is tat really the real you?
I can say i am controlling emotions..
and i hate tat..
for now lets walk one step at a time..
I am sure we can get out of this..
Now for something else..
I was in S&W..AND NO CATS..
What a day..{^_^}
yahx..and i thought i was up for editing..
But i was there for nothing..{~_~'"}
and have time so blog first lohx..
To Ming: Hey, when is the next time we go for subway?? hehe =)
To madham and keenan: Hey,we r going to rock and roll in editing!!
To fat: Thks for collecting my charger, if nt i have to spend 250 to buy one..Thks alot..
To Tingx : Hey..u seems to have problems..Take care alriex?? And rest more..{-_-}zzz
To david: everyone is giving you a really the time for you to change nw..
Dun waste it brother!!
To Myself: U BLODDY IDIOT..learn to let go..learn to get up from falls Weak sia..
U call urself a man??!!??!
and i think i should stop here now..I need to get started with work..
okie..i feel a surge of energy in me..
ha..Jus ran 5 km in the morning and did some weight training..
Okie ppl..take care and link me if u had not..
T1A2!!!.. OKie..we rock as a class..
give me one T1A2 clap..
Okie and bye.. {o_O} V
Labels: me and no one.., myself