Sing with our hearts, anywhere can be a stage, anyone can be our audience.

The end Is Coming So0n..

Thursday, August 9, 2007 @ 3:14 AM

hehe..yehx..so happy i can use the fifiteen minutes to blog...
After that i need to study already..
Yahx..These few days kept helping my mom..
Becox My dad Caught the China Worker red-handed..
She was taking the money when my dad happen to pass by..
How unluckily is she..But It is also her fault...
Well..She is a best frenz of my mom...
Hw can my mom trust a frenx to do tat..
But it is still the truth..
So i guess i have to work extra harder..
yahxx...I can do it!!! (=_=") haha..SO faked.

Yahx..Now days assigment are coming as if they are running marathon..
and the deadlines is like so near already..
But i hope everything will be fine soon..
Cause i am working real hard to make sure i achieve something..
haha..Actually it is good result lahx..
I dun wanna compete with my classmates..
But Jus compete with myself..
BEcox The greatest enemy is ur ownself..
haha...Kinda of "CHEMOLOGY" yahx..
It is okie anyway..

OKie..Time for MessaGE section..

TIngx : Hello..Dun anyway Hw say can?? U got Copyright anot?? huh huh huh??? haha..
Anyway.. HAPPY WORKING in audio TEch Yahx..We can rocks Like no one Do.. (I tink so..)

MIng : Hello..U arhx..IF u reading this..tmr remember to meet for art & dsgn..Pls do come..I have things for u to do..

david : erm..Pls come to sch to avoid any inconvience..and also Mr EMO. wants to see u!!

Zhao Xiong: Hey..Find one day in Holiday..Bring Our God sis and we go out together can?? I missed the day when "tauning" at ur hse..haha..

Keenan and MAdhan: HOHOHOHOHO.. Our show was a great ONe..accept...U knOw Wat i am talking abt..hhaaha..Nxt time must check the mike B4 check out..

Fatimah: Dun feel bad for not coming tat day..I understand..Jus take care of urself eill do.. =)

Tanya : I do miss U..I really do..But hw do i tell U?? (=.=)

Okie..Peeps..tats all for tonitex..
haha..i guess some of u all dun sleep early too..
espically MING..i bet he will be reading this..

OkIE..Bye Bye and Gd NiteX..

i Jus missed u..can u give me jus this one of the chance in life? "



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