So long already..
Saturday, August 25, 2007 @ 4:08 PM
Hi ppl...
Long time nv update le..
Erm..No great changes in life..
still the emo me lack of confidence..But sometime abit haywire..
yahx..MAC was screwed so is my life..
But luckily i repaired it..
HAix..I was a jinx..cause my manager PSP to got lost..
But he still accompany me to repair my MAC..
So now all my notes gone..Cause i reinstall everythin in order to save my MAC..
Anyone kind enough to spare me notes???
I would definitely appericate it very much..
yahx..MAC is repaired..but my life is still screwed...
It is still going to be a long way..
Wat if the outcome is not what i expected...
Then history is gonna repeat itself again...
Sigh...Now working almost all day..
trying not to be so depressed..
I am really trying le..
try to make an effort to ask abt her...
But cold shoulder is all i get..
I am getting fears all over my mind...
Msg section
Ming: Hey i hope u r okie uo for subway some day..
Keenan: The party i think i cant go..But to meet up for guitar session..U can arrange??I will tyr to make it..
AMalia: haha..I miss u too..David WAS still once our classmate..So we must wish him all the best after all..
" 適應“
沒 想 過 愛 情 會 下 落 不 名..
寂 漠 都 不 忍 心..
故 事 的 結 局 走 不 出 背 影..
我 只 能 靜 靜 听..
風 吹 起 那 些 成 經..
躦 過 身 我 用 眼 淚 怜 聽..
心 該 怎 麼 去 適 應..
那 些 沒 你 的 安 靜..
我 也 在 小 心 的 收 起 所 有 回 憶..
卻 總 是 忍 不 住 不 斷 的 翻 起..
愛 開 始 了 該 怎 麼 去 喊 停??