Sing with our hearts, anywhere can be a stage, anyone can be our audience.


Thursday, August 16, 2007 @ 5:00 PM

today is fimally offical my final last day as i am completed with my last project..
It was such a relieve..Although i handed in at 12.01..and the deadline was suppose to be 12pm sharp..
OopS..I hope the lecturer TAH CHIN BOO.. can open one eye and close one eye..haha..
And yeah...Seriously goona miss my classmates man..they are a bunch of great peers..
Not trying to show off hw gd they are but just wanna let the whole know..I have all the best peers in my class..
Including david..I believe i shld not exclude david cause he gavs us wonderful memories too..But not mentioning the trouble he cause lahx..So lets wish him all the best for the next semester sncerely.. =)

ANd also OUr (ting Ting and me) project is finally done..
first time cooperate and we can communicate..NOt bad huh..haha..okie..

Msg section:

MinGest: Hey bro..Sry for the very late reply..I can guarantee tat u r one of my BEST BR0 in NP too..
Thks for always beening so encouraging..Ur comments i wll take it seriously everything.So Nxt time have problem dun forget
there will be a listening ear 24/7 for u Worx (^_^)

Adee: Yo Yo..haha..i saw ur comment..I enjoy bonding too..haha..i guess our class bond can be further strengthen too =)

Ting: I want to say this good thing again..It was a fablous time working with such a efficient partner like you..And dun worry abt the comment tat u said about me tat time..Becox i needed really some self reflection..so i guess i was abit lazy..i sld thank u instead..haha..Dun worry abt it man..=) Smilex with a twist!! haha.. Ur trademark!!

YenSing GoD Sis: haha..yahx..when free give me a call lohx..i nw having holiday..so i guess i shall see u soon ritex..
okie..take care Lohx..God sis...

Yahx..os i guess after a semester of sleepless nitex..I guess i must be wanting to let my body revejunate..So i guess i must sleep nw..
Bye Peeps..Sleep well yahx...2 months of holiday is definitely a long one.. Take care.. =)


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