Wat a friday !!
Friday, November 7, 2008 @ 3:00 PM

Toady is e-learning day. I am in school because i can work better in school i guess?
More productive? haha but now i am bored to the max. Waiting for a room in library
because in the booking system they seems like all book ! But i still want to try to "ninja" a room.
haha, if you know what i mean lah. haha yeah man.
Yesterday, i went to celebrate Alvin's birthday then ate Botak Jones. First time there and i think
the food is really great but not as big as some of my friends have describe. But it was still nice though.
Then i got home around like 11 plus. Then did some research on my IAP stuffs. Hope that the company that i have chosen will prove to be goood because i will promise to work hard. Yeah ! Calling the company later, for the mean while waiting for Keenan Bro to arrive.
Looking forward to tomorrow man! It is gonna be exciting. hmm (^_^) haha !
Shall update tomorrow. Wheee~
" Live life to the fullest and shine as an individual !"
I believe every one is born to shine. In order to make other believe, i must first SHOW.
"The happy past shall become memories that lives in our genes and sadness will follow the ashes and dusts back to the ground."
Alright thats all for now. Need to go now. Chao~