Free Time. Empty Space. Zone Out.
Thursday, March 18, 2010 @ 4:21 AM
I think for these 3 years, my sleeping clock has been screwed badly. I need to get it right. Hmm, at this time where people are sleeping I am blogging. Ohh, Chalet Chalet Chalet, next week need to go chalet ! Whooo! Regarded as the unofficial officially graduation night for FSV. Now how does that sound? hehehe.. The idea of food is making me really hungry ! Hehe, Okie *(PEH YI CHEE STAY CALM)
Next post I will be uploading the photos for 茶叶蛋. I re-edited myself and touched up on it. Hmm, I just got a random feeling. Do a project solely on AE..I will take it as a challenge to myself. lol.
It is a feeling that I felt recently. Mixed feeling actually. Haha, I don't even know if I should be laughing but yeah. Hmm, I need more time to this. Damn. At the same time I feel lost too. Damn man. This phase suck.
Alright, gotta try the second attempt to sleep.