Tuesday, July 31, 2007 @ 4:53 AM
Ehem ehem..
haha..wanna congrgulate my si han bro on finding his the other one..
To si han: "I have confidence in you..Do cherish her yahx.."
yahx..Nw got time then blog bahx..
Hmm timetable for this month is HELL PACKED..
note tat it is "HELL-PACKED !!"
Haha..okie..Jus finish my test today..
Got two more to go..
Okie..Jia You Jia You!!
Erm..cheering for myself..haha..
Yahx..Must stay strong..
Nw feeling weird because i carrying the flu germs with me..
muahahax..Dun come near me..hehe..Yahx..
Today was random..
Feeling positive today ONLY.. limited time only..haha..
yahx..I am thinking a name for my mac..
erm..can any one suggest any??
haha..Tag in my blog yahx..
Okie..NW getting ready to go for audio tech..
erm..another two test from this subject..
(Msg section)
To my class: Let rock for two more week..and we can rest le..
Okie yahx..
To Keenan: It gd tat u had made up ur choice..sometime in life u had to learn to be selfish..
To fight for wat u want..But also to spare a thought for others at the same time..
To david: Hey..Why are u nt replying calls again??Why do u want to rot when everyone is giving u a new chance?
I am rather speechless man..Dude..Be a man of ur word can?
Okie..Nw enjoying the breeze blowing onto my face..
Hmm, felt lighter than before nw..
Learn to let will be fine eventually..
I walked in the rain the day before..
I was rather happy by the accompany of the rain droplets.
It jus shower on my face..ArhG..
I unknowlingly raised my hands..
and turned as i walked..
This is a feeling i would nv forget..
haha..yup..maybe tats the reason why i am more positive today.. =0
all i wanted is someone simple..
really simple..
tats my wish for today.. between the lines and the pp who r close to me enogh shld understand..
Okie..Quote of the day
" I want to be simple and plain happiness..=)"
The 47th post..
Thursday, July 26, 2007 @ 2:45 PM

Hi guys..Long time never update already..
I was rather busy or you guys can say i am keeping myself busy..
Just to keep myself from thinking too much..
Becox the more you dream about impossible things..
When it don't happen, the more it is gonna hurt..
And yahx..although once my bro ZHAO XIONG said:
" when u break up impossible..
iT sounds like..
Thanks anyway..And it's gd for u to forget ur past..
But tat certaninly does not apply to everything..
It was a mistake since the start..
I had made her see how i felt..
like everything matters to me..
And please dun feel bad..
It is okie if u hurt me..
Because i love u back as who u r..
And i accept u as who u r..
You may be wondering why i post tat pic up there..
Can you guys infer from the picture how i actually feel now? (=.=)
It being a long long journey and i am going to end this..
It is either i burn the diary or i keep it with me and regard it as a part of myself..
I am rather confused..
The past is meant to be fade on its own..
But not purposely pushing out of my mind..
becox tat definitely wont work..
Maybe i was ur problem all this while..
You can denied and i can act dumb..
i want to stop ur pain but i cant even stop mine..
But i had tried my best..Hope u can understand..
You can be laughing and smile around..
but is tat really the real you?
I can say i am controlling emotions..
and i hate tat..
for now lets walk one step at a time..
I am sure we can get out of this..
Now for something else..
I was in S&W..AND NO CATS..
What a day..{^_^}
yahx..and i thought i was up for editing..
But i was there for nothing..{~_~'"}
and have time so blog first lohx..
To Ming: Hey, when is the next time we go for subway?? hehe =)
To madham and keenan: Hey,we r going to rock and roll in editing!!
To fat: Thks for collecting my charger, if nt i have to spend 250 to buy one..Thks alot..
To Tingx : Hey..u seems to have problems..Take care alriex?? And rest more..{-_-}zzz
To david: everyone is giving you a really the time for you to change nw..
Dun waste it brother!!
To Myself: U BLODDY IDIOT..learn to let go..learn to get up from falls Weak sia..
U call urself a man??!!??!
and i think i should stop here now..I need to get started with work..
okie..i feel a surge of energy in me..
ha..Jus ran 5 km in the morning and did some weight training..
Okie ppl..take care and link me if u had not..
T1A2!!!.. OKie..we rock as a class..
give me one T1A2 clap..
Okie and bye.. {o_O} V
Labels: me and no one.., myself
~bad dAy~
Saturday, July 21, 2007 @ 12:23 AM
first and foremost..i am just shut off today..
Jus dun wanna talk much and felt abit EMO..
Did shooting today at tingx hse..
Her hse so nice sia..
hmm, mytbe she is a girl so she keeps the room clean..
Okie..i also felt like a loser and useless today..
i was the boom mike operator..
But i cant even make sure tat the mike was working..
Whereas everyone was doing their job well..
i felt like useless when others r so busy and then they need to come and help me..
and they r already frustrated yet u still go and bother ppl..
so i guess ppl who can imagine or was once in my shoe..
can understand hw i feel or maybe not..Well..{=.=}"'
And at least i have the perserverance to fixed the problem..
at first i thought i fixwd it..
then it went against me again..
Then in the end i fixed it..
wat a relief..
it is jus keep everything in my heart..
and keep my silent for the whole day..
Nw it something concern to ppl who knows wat is happening..
"I am confused..
i got lost..
the direction you gave me was the cause..
guide me in wrong thoughts and left a door..
thought that u was there and i was the last of all..
but truth lies at the other side of the opened door..
i am not the one i am not..
i feel tat it actually hurt alot..
And i stood at the door with a lock..
because the problems between us may has been unlocked..
hope tat the person u mention was not me..
And wish tat i can be happy as your frenx for the last of all.."
i wrote this because i was confused...
i am really lost..
i guess i am stupid..
I am jus making a guess tat this is true..
But it is the facts tat are appointing me to do so..
haix~ {=_=}'"
okie gonna work on my soc psy and tmr still got shooting..
Work hard ppl..PERSERVANCE..
cant smilex today..sry.. {=_=}***< pardon me..>
Early in the morning..
Friday, July 20, 2007 @ 12:02 PM

it is nw 8.50 in the morning..I am at LT68D..
Why am i there? i have no idea also..
i jus know tat i am in sch for no reason..
And wat's more it is raining heavy nw..
i bet alot of my beloved classmates are sleeping with their ass in their cosy blanket nw..
haha..anyway cant change the fact tat i am in sch already..haha..
hmm,the photo above is i took in front of LT 68D ..
i am jus bored..dun know wat to do anyway..
so i jus took a photo since it was a long time till 11 becox i have a writcom meeting..
anfd when i sat here..
i saw abt 6 of my frenx..omg..haha..
i was hiding i the corner..yet they can see a person like me..{so fat~hahax..}
erm..and i jus realised something..
when u choose to forget someone out of a sudden..
u will see tat person more often than usual..
becox this morning i jus the past again..
forget it..
Well jus have my breakfast..
and nw i am going to cheers..wish me luck!! haha
hope tat it is a great day ahead.. =)
Just a entry to be read..
Wednesday, July 18, 2007 @ 1:29 PM

hoho..Long time nv update le..
wonder did anyone wait for my my entry.. one will wait either..
So to talk abou Ytd..The conflicts in FMS is really unavoidable man..
haix~{T.T} --Wat to do?--
Okie..Jus wanna say Ming..
"stay STRONG yahx..Bro here for u..Just learn to cope time properly and use SELECTIVE HEARING..HAHA..
NIce QT with u in JP least u knw tat i am a lousy driver..
and i hope my words had help u and i had help u distressed..My phone is on 24\7 for u =) "
And as for DVAID
"hey bro,u had gave ppl the wrong perception from the start..
Wat u need is jus time to let them know who u are..
and u should learn how to strike a balance between socia life and school life..
Not jus by doing things half way and throw them back the ball.."
we did well and got 2nd best out of 4 group..horray!! =)
TO keenan:
" Hey bro..I know u read my blog and my PERSSONAL ENTRY..
and is that i glad u know who i am really as a person maybe..
And i sincerely wish u gd luck on ur girl tat u like.. =)"
Nxt is to my past:
haix~Jus lke it is still raining..I am waiting for a rainbow to appear..
hmm,i delete my last PERSONNAL ENTRY..
i dun know why i did so..
maybe it was fated nt to be shared..
But wat can be more interesting when a sincere guy is been rejected..
hmm,i cant have a "haha" on tat cause i dun tink tats is funny..
Anyways it jus a typical secondary sch thingy which most ppl go thru..
Just move on like as other ppl said..
no Point bothering over old memories which gives u even deeper cuts..
PPl acknowledge ur efforts but they just cant learn to appericate u..
i didnt want my pain to cling on me any further..i want to put it to an end..
so jus immerse myself in the world of songs and songs..Finding the right song to suit the theme..
But i could not do so until recently..The songs is by our local band named "夢飛船“
and the song which i like is "不值得“ it jus describe how i felt..
although the past is the past..but it jus a memory which will come back to u from time to time..
And when ever it will hurt..fuc* man..
To the present:
As for now..wat else can i say??
nothing much actually..Adn i really dun know wat to say to her already..
But jus tat When u love but cannot say,the feeling is rather awful.. {T.T}
it nt tat i dun want to say..its tat i cant say..{" X}
well..i guess she wont visit my blog and read my entry either..
haix~If i say i will be quietly there for her..
Okie moving on..{~_~}
School work are piling up days by days,and i dun even know hw to deal with it..
orh man..must come up with a way..
Hmm,last nitex..felt abit vexed arhx..
so went to play basketball to release all my emotion...
I sweat it all out..i guess i was fine for a while..
Okie.still got wat more to say arhxx..hmm..~[i'm thinking..]
okiee..tats all for nw..will update as soon as i can cause my ass is been chase by the deadline of every
assigment amd projects!!haha..
SMilex on ppl!! {^_^}''' [LAME]..hehe..
Thursday, July 12, 2007 @ 2:08 AM
okie..I was in sch library today after S&W and CATS..
Hmm,i sat at the library from 1.30 to 9.00..
Jus stared at my laptop hope to finished my WRITCOM exercise..
It was damn tiring at the same time i felt a sense of achievement..
Nv felt tat i could cncentrate so long..
But the fact is i haven finished yet..
Well,i guess my determination is pushing my ass to move Forward..
Hmm,Hope that i can get a better grade as compared to my last assigment..
Alot of things happen this week..
Hmm..did something wrong..But just dun wished to elaborate more..
And yahx tmr is my WRITCOM assigment deadline..
I ought to finish it..HAix.. {=.=}****
Nvm it's okie..i jus really hope tat my efforts pay off..
Lastly to the girl again..
i had nothing to give u accept this lyrics which i had been working on although i am busy..
Well,i know You wont come here and read my blog and i dun even dare to tell u i like u..
Due to some past time reasons..
but i guess its the thought tat actually counts..
~ Only One~
Baby, for all this while
I hope it’s not too late..
I want to say something
Just use your heart to listen..
when ever I sees you
I don’t know what to do
Jus kept my smiles and see your grace
And words from heart were left unsaid..
For every smile u gave
It brightens my heart
For every word u said
I remember it by hard..
I just wanna ask..
oh girl, can I be your only one?
To hold your hand and walk you there
oh girl, can I be just the one?
Giving you a hug when you needed one
There is no time for other things..and,
I will Kiss you and say
“I love YOu..”
Labels: Erm..
Thursday, July 5, 2007 @ 3:10 PM fucking stress today..
straIght 9 Hr of lecturer..and only 20 mins break..
Wat the Fuck..
oKIE..sry for the vulgar..
hmm,Nowdays so tired..
sleep inly 4 hrs per day..
Hmm,starting to have eyebags le..
"I DUn Want!!!"
Arhx..i am very worried abt my writtcom..
i dun wanna screwed again..
hmm,wonder if anyone can help me,or i must learn to be independent..
nowdays,even no time for exercise le..
haix..i hate this..
hope tat aikido save my ass..
okie..Dun know why nowdays weird weird one..
Maybe is becox i missed her bahx..
hmm,Guess she wont know either..
Okie,i regretted dying my hair..
I am really hopping to turn black asap..
really asap.. {>_<}
hmm,nothinn seems ritex..
i jus wanna get everything on the path..
I wnt to promise myself..
"its jus a few weeks to TERM break..
Jus give my FuLLest energy.."
And to this girLx..
"i Jus had a feeling For u.."
ThiS is The 39TH entry..
Wednesday, July 4, 2007 @ 1:14 PM
yup..It's been a long time since i ever write in a entry..
Now it's in the morning..
I am in library now..
Jus Came from Mr Wong consultation and
i was like a ant over a hot pot..Becox i was Late..{=.=}
okie..I am really sry..and i dun mean to be late..
Then i happen to see MINg Bro..He was rushing back hm..
To get his correct copy of NoTEs.Becox he got the wrong one out..
OKie..But we also went to have our breakfast first..
Then Went to meet on TINGx to library to do the citation Thingy..
woah,Wat a morning to start a day..haha..
Later still have art class..Hmm,i wonder wat would happen??
It jus totally excites me..hehe..oKIe..tats all for the morning entry..
Smilex Up PpL!! great Day Awaiting for u All!!!
Labels: #39 Entry..