So long already..
Saturday, August 25, 2007 @ 4:08 PM
Hi ppl...
Long time nv update le..
Erm..No great changes in life..
still the emo me lack of confidence..But sometime abit haywire..
yahx..MAC was screwed so is my life..
But luckily i repaired it..
HAix..I was a jinx..cause my manager PSP to got lost..
But he still accompany me to repair my MAC..
So now all my notes gone..Cause i reinstall everythin in order to save my MAC..
Anyone kind enough to spare me notes???
I would definitely appericate it very much..
yahx..MAC is repaired..but my life is still screwed...
It is still going to be a long way..
Wat if the outcome is not what i expected...
Then history is gonna repeat itself again...
Sigh...Now working almost all day..
trying not to be so depressed..
I am really trying le..
try to make an effort to ask abt her...
But cold shoulder is all i get..
I am getting fears all over my mind...
Msg section
Ming: Hey i hope u r okie uo for subway some day..
Keenan: The party i think i cant go..But to meet up for guitar session..U can arrange??I will tyr to make it..
AMalia: haha..I miss u too..David WAS still once our classmate..So we must wish him all the best after all..
" 適應“
沒 想 過 愛 情 會 下 落 不 名..
寂 漠 都 不 忍 心..
故 事 的 結 局 走 不 出 背 影..
我 只 能 靜 靜 听..
風 吹 起 那 些 成 經..
躦 過 身 我 用 眼 淚 怜 聽..
心 該 怎 麼 去 適 應..
那 些 沒 你 的 安 靜..
我 也 在 小 心 的 收 起 所 有 回 憶..
卻 總 是 忍 不 住 不 斷 的 翻 起..
愛 開 始 了 該 怎 麼 去 喊 停??
Thursday, August 16, 2007 @ 11:08 PM was rather a slack day..
I slept late last nites..maybe use to it le..
and then caused me to woke up late..
THen got up to do some luandary for mom..
ThOught tat there is no breakfast..
haha..but mom already bought my favourite.." CHAO MIAN "
yahx..also i went to watch my idol JAY CHOU newest production..
" 不能說的秘密.... "
It was indeed a nice movie..
i was impressed by the complication of plot..
And the beautiful story that it can never happen in real life..
How i long for this kind of relationship..
Well of course can remove the piano part..
haha..yahx..and also while watching i was thinking of this person..
It came to my mind..
Is it becox i misses her too much?Or is it i jus happen to think of her everyday..
If she is reading this i guess she would know..We are all busy with own stuffs..
Espically her O levels..
But i will always silently be here for her..
I wonder if i even matter to her in the first place..And yahx..
Sry for the side track..
So the review is..The movie was great..Go watch if u have not..
I bet u would want to watch it second time or even more..
MSG section:
Xiong: Our heart are linked...No need to link u on you the blog de.haha..U take care orhx...will link u soon..
To Bros: Hey..u guys r great man..Great time with u guys..Meet up soon yahx..
OKie..I going to WorK On something big nw..
Dun know if she will like it..But still i want to do it sincerely..
Bye PeepS..
@ 5:00 PM
today is fimally offical my final last day as i am completed with my last project..
It was such a relieve..Although i handed in at 12.01..and the deadline was suppose to be 12pm sharp..
OopS..I hope the lecturer TAH CHIN BOO.. can open one eye and close one eye..haha..
And yeah...Seriously goona miss my classmates man..they are a bunch of great peers..
Not trying to show off hw gd they are but just wanna let the whole know..I have all the best peers in my class..
Including david..I believe i shld not exclude david cause he gavs us wonderful memories too..But not mentioning the trouble he cause lahx..So lets wish him all the best for the next semester sncerely.. =)
ANd also OUr (ting Ting and me) project is finally done..
first time cooperate and we can communicate..NOt bad huh..haha..okie..
Msg section:
MinGest: Hey bro..Sry for the very late reply..I can guarantee tat u r one of my BEST BR0 in NP too..
Thks for always beening so encouraging..Ur comments i wll take it seriously everything.So Nxt time have problem dun forget
there will be a listening ear 24/7 for u Worx (^_^)
Adee: Yo Yo..haha..i saw ur comment..I enjoy bonding too..haha..i guess our class bond can be further strengthen too =)
Ting: I want to say this good thing again..It was a fablous time working with such a efficient partner like you..And dun worry abt the comment tat u said about me tat time..Becox i needed really some self i guess i was abit lazy..i sld thank u instead..haha..Dun worry abt it man..=) Smilex with a twist!! haha.. Ur trademark!!
YenSing GoD Sis: haha..yahx..when free give me a call lohx..i nw having i guess i shall see u soon ritex..
okie..take care Lohx..God sis...
Yahx..os i guess after a semester of sleepless nitex..I guess i must be wanting to let my body revejunate..So i guess i must sleep nw..
Bye Peeps..Sleep well yahx...2 months of holiday is definitely a long one.. Take care.. =)
Wednesday, August 15, 2007 @ 1:34 PM
i am so stress nw..
I am going for my last test..
Erm..Actually it is practical..
woAh..Has not always being good at practicak..
But i am at least prepared..
(^-^) This is a smile of confident !!
hehe.But still stress.. (-_- )
okie..Moving myself off from tat..
The semester is coming to an end...and maybe i am gonna miss my classmates.. classmates who is reading this.. "THIS IS TRUE.."
haha..NO matter wat i can see class spirit anyway..
One example is that we are teahing each other on the practical..Tat is so awesome..
I jus enjoy this kind of feeling..Yup (^_^) is one more minute to 10.30..
So got to listen to song and relax..
Btw..I am nt listening to my own song library.. tat a crime??
I think it is nt..hehe..
yahx..also this few days mugging on gameboy..
Well i do tat becox i do nt owe an gameboy when i was young..
so i am jus enjoying the late child hood Fun..haha..
it alritex anyway...It is nt childish but jus a kind of entertaminent.. (^_ ^)
hehe..OKie..Really gtg Nw..Bye..PeePs..
Gd Luck to Myself on the Test !!! ((^_^)) V ...
Tuesday, August 14, 2007 @ 5:28 AM
yahx..I decided again..
I should stand up and face my problem again..
I am Yichee..And i wont be defeated easiily...
hehe..Yes i am back alritex..
At least feeling better..Yahx..erm.Thks FOr PPl who care yahx..
Msg Section:
Xiong: Thks for tat...I think of it?? it come itself de..haha...U aLso Stop looking at girls..
If Not one day i will dig out ur eye balls..
Yvonne: haha..I am alritex..If nt hw can i be ur dIrector??okie..Happy Holiday.. =)
Alvin: stop Visiting mY blog lahx..Kanasai..Ten Nv Tag..Okie..Bye..Take care.. =)
Yahx..Nw jus finished my exam Sian YEt scared..
Haix..YAhx..Wat ever it is..Tmr is still yet to come..Why not face it...
The end Is Coming So0n..
Thursday, August 9, 2007 @ 3:14 AM happy i can use the fifiteen minutes to blog...
After that i need to study already..
Yahx..These few days kept helping my mom..
Becox My dad Caught the China Worker red-handed..
She was taking the money when my dad happen to pass by..
How unluckily is she..But It is also her fault...
Well..She is a best frenz of my mom...
Hw can my mom trust a frenx to do tat..
But it is still the truth..
So i guess i have to work extra harder..
yahxx...I can do it!!! (=_=") haha..SO faked.
Yahx..Now days assigment are coming as if they are running marathon..
and the deadlines is like so near already..
But i hope everything will be fine soon..
Cause i am working real hard to make sure i achieve something..
haha..Actually it is good result lahx..
I dun wanna compete with my classmates..
But Jus compete with myself..
BEcox The greatest enemy is ur ownself..
haha...Kinda of "CHEMOLOGY" yahx..
It is okie anyway..
OKie..Time for MessaGE section..
TIngx : Hello..Dun anyway Hw say can?? U got Copyright anot?? huh huh huh??? haha..
Anyway.. HAPPY WORKING in audio TEch Yahx..We can rocks Like no one Do.. (I tink so..)
MIng : Hello..U arhx..IF u reading this..tmr remember to meet for art & dsgn..Pls do come..I have things for u to do..
david : erm..Pls come to sch to avoid any inconvience..and also Mr EMO. wants to see u!!
Zhao Xiong: Hey..Find one day in Holiday..Bring Our God sis and we go out together can?? I missed the day when "tauning" at ur hse..haha..
Keenan and MAdhan: HOHOHOHOHO.. Our show was a great ONe..accept...U knOw Wat i am talking abt..hhaaha..Nxt time must check the mike B4 check out..
Fatimah: Dun feel bad for not coming tat day..I understand..Jus take care of urself eill do.. =)
Tanya : I do miss U..I really do..But hw do i tell U?? (=.=)
Okie..Peeps..tats all for tonitex..
haha..i guess some of u all dun sleep early too..
espically MING..i bet he will be reading this..
OkIE..Bye Bye and Gd NiteX..
i Jus missed u..can u give me jus this one of the chance in life? "
Labels: A chance in LIfe..
today..Jus today..
Saturday, August 4, 2007 @ 5:05 AM
ehm ehm..Just finish my social psychology presentation today..
Well, always have stage fright since i was young..
And also..I had been trying hard..
Just to hope one day i can used to it..
haha..okie at least i am still quite contended with myself..
But still got lots of room for improvement ..
OKie..Nw is on 2 in the afternoon..
hmm..doing editing again..
and later go play basketball at ChuA Chu Kang..
haha..since a long time since i touch basketball..
Hope tat i can get back the "feel" ..
And also today at peer evaluation..
I was so tied down..Dun know wat grade to give david..
cause i scared to hurt him as a class mates..
but o choice either..i had given him enough chances already..
Yet he still dun know how to repent..
haix~What to do?
To David: " Hey..we Had done our part...What about you??"
Erm..Nw GTG..Will update again..
Take care PpL..
2nd 0f august..
Friday, August 3, 2007 @ 2:38 PM is a very stressed day..
i Jus finished editing my NVP 3..
hehe..came up with lots of ideas to save our project..
and yahx..Keenan (on the pic above) thks alot yahx..
haha..u had been a great editing partner..
And also MAdhan..Sry i dint take pics with cant post..
But anyway..U r a great editor too!!Nice working with u..
Many might think i had finish my editing le..
but to all of ur surprise..we had not.. (=.=")
okie..haha..Actually We r left with last few things only..
Also today audio tech..
i finally figure hw to patch correctly lo..
haha..okie thumbs up for myself..hehe...lame..
also nw days feel like a superhero..
only sleep abt 4 hrs per day sia..
haha..but untill ytd..i get to sleep 6 hrs..
"Orhx Bac Cak" (eyebags) already.. look like this >>>> 0_0
Also this morning at LRT..
saw something unexpected today..
Twice in a week somemore..Hw coincidence is tat..
Well tat is hw fate works..Isn't it?
Erm..i need to go get ready for my tmr SOCIAL PSYCOLOGICAL assest tutorial 2
Cant let my brudder ZID down..Must work it hard..No matter what..
Okie..Take care everyone..
Thursday, August 2, 2007 @ 2:50 PM
hmm,i dun know wat to write here..
dun know what to mention here..
I just feel very down..
Even my bros are feeling down..
Three of my bros kena sad case..
I can only verbally help them..
i experience it myself..
i can recognize all of their pain..
i had it once..
Guys...stay strong..
hmm..So long haven been a counsel ppl already...
I cant even get a hold on myself yet i am counselling ppl.
What an idiot.. (=.= )
Msg section:
to MIng and jerremy : it is just a psrt of life dude..get over it as soon as shld be fine soon..
to si han : Hey bro arhx..Dun sad le lahx..Take time to heal ur heart bahx..Girls are somehow same de lahx..
to Petrina : Gd luck to you and benjamin.. =) And take gd care of urself..
when i want myself to feel gd..
bad things always happen..
Is the haven against me??
What had i done wrong?
Arhx!!! i am so frustrated..
Anyway..i want to be alone nw..
" i can nv see the touched words in the book
because it nv exist..
I can no longer see ur trace..
Becox it was washed away..
i can no longer feel ur heart..
Becox u seems so far away..
Live well and be happy with who u had found..
Becox i am sure that i am glad for u.."
I am in a corner nw..
okie..gtg and think adt hw things shld work nw..
Wiil update again..